Weather History
    Times are in UTC. UTC now is 09:45
Wind Speed & Gusts
Wind Speed Min 99999 () Max 0 ()
Wind Gusts Min 99999 () Max 0 ()
Wind Direction
Wind Direction Min 99999 () Max 0 ()
Temperature and Dew Point
Degrees Celcius
Temperature Min 99999 () Max 0 ()
Dew Point Min 99999 () Max 0 ()
% Relative Humidity
Humidity Min 99999 () Max 0 ()
Pressure QFE
Millibars / Hectopascals
Pressure QFE Min 99999 () Max 0 ()
Pressure QNH
Millibars / Hectopascals
Pressure QNH Min 99999 () Max 0 ()
Rain Min 99999 () Max 0 ()
Calculated Cloudbase
Feet AGL
Calculated Cloudbase Min 99999 () Max 0 ()

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